I am Someone


You are important. You are special. You matter.

Who is someone to you?

Everyone has at least one person who cares about them, and who they care about. Maybe it’s your mom or dad, or maybe it’s your teacher or principal, or maybe it’s your aunt or neighbor.

  • List five people who care about you, one for each finger on your hand!

People You Trust

Let’s think about the word TRUST. What does trust mean?

When you trust someone, it means they never let you down. They are there for you. They always believe you.

Those five people you listed up above? You are someone to these people. If you were ever in trouble, or if something were really wrong, you could tell any of them, and they would help you.

Believe in Yourself

In addition to having people who you trust, you have to trust yourself. It may sound funny, but learning to listen to pay attention to your feelings is an important skill.

When something makes you happy or when something good happens, you want to celebrate and tell the people you love.

When something bad happens, you can tell the people you trust, and they will help you. They can help make the bad things stop.

How to Know if Something is Wrong

  • You feel icky inside
  • Your stomach hurts
  • Your heart starts to beat fast
  • Your hands start to sweat
  • You feel nervous or like you might throw up
  • You feel like crying
  • You feel sad all the time
  • You don’t feel like yourself

What to Do Right Away if Something is Wrong

If someone is hurting you, don’t wait to get help. You deserve to be safe and happy.

Say no way! Say no way!

Say no way!

  • If something feels yucky, say no way!
  • Get louder if what’s happening doesn’t stop.
Go away! Go away!

Go away!

  • If something doesn’t feel right, go away!
  • Walk away from whatever is bothering you to somewhere safe with other people.
Tell someone today! Tell someone today!

Tell someone today!

  • Tell someone today if you are in pain, or if you feel sad, or if an adult is asking you to keep a bad secret.
  • If you notice a friend who is hurting, you can comfort them and tell a trusted adult.
  • If a friend tells you about an abusive situation, you can tell a trusted adult or law enforcement.
  • Keep on telling different people you trust until the problem is fixed.


Tell Someone You Trust

When bad things happen, it’s not your fault. Tell someone that you trust what is happening. It’s OK if you tell more than one person. Make sure you’re getting the help you need to make the bad thing stop. It’s OK to even call the police. Your safety matters and you are important.

Say these out loud:

  • I am brave!
  • I am strong!
  • I can say no!
  • I stick up for myself!
  • I can help my friends!
  • I am important!
  • I am someone!



9 Rules for the Adults in Your Life

Even adults have rules they need to follow. If there is a person in your life who makes you feel unsafe or bad, tell one of the adults you trust.

1. Help children feel safe.

It’s a grown-up’s job to protect children and make sure they’re free from harm. Help them identify five people who care about them and who they can trust in a time of need — one for each finger on their hand.

2. Believe children when they say they're hurt, and say, “It’s not your fault.”

Adults should offer to comfort children when they are sad or feel pain, and help to make sure whatever is causing the injury doesn’t happen again.

3. Explain the difference between a secret and a surprise.

Secrets are bad and adults shouldn’t ever ask a child to keep one. Surprises are good and fun!

4. Teach children the correct name of their private parts.

Using terms like “penis” and “vulva” just like we say “arm” and “ankle” is important because there’s no shame in any part of our bodies.

5. Talk to kids about safe and unsafe touches.

Safe touches make children feel loved and comforted. Unsafe touches can be painful and make children feel scared. No one should touch children’s private parts except to keep them clean and healthy.

6. If you suspect abuse, you can say, “I care about you. You seem really afraid and sad.” Or, “Is anything bothering you?”

A trusted adult will listen and help make children safe from harm.

7. If a child comes to you for help, remain calm, listen and provide the support needed.

Say, “I believe you” and “Everything will be okay.” You can be the trusted adult that a child counts on.

8. If you have a reasonable suspicion that abuse is happening, you are required to report it to law enforcement.

Police officers and other law enforcement professionals want to make sure all children are safe and protected. To report child abuse in Nebraska, call 1-800-652-1999; in Iowa, call 1-800-362-2178.

9. Frequently tell and show children in your life that you care about them.

Hugs (with permission), high-fives, pats on the back and saying “I love you” are important for everyone. Children who are confident that they are special to the adults in their life are less vulnerable to grooming tactics from predators.

If you suspect a child has been abused or neglected, call:


1.800.652.1999 (CPS Hotline) or local law enforcement


1.800.362.2178 (DHS Hotline) or local law enforcement


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