Project Be Someone


You’ve taken the first step in a very important journey. It might seem like a small gesture, but it will have profound and exponential effects. Thank you for being a part of the solution. People like you make incredible change possible.

Soon you’ll be receiving a confirmation email with a copy of your digital badge as well as some useful resources to get you started on your journey.

Here’s a couple of resources to start with:

The 5 Steps to Protecting Our Children™

Child abuse is a community-wide issue that requires each of us to help protect and advocate for our children. Follow these simple and practical steps to prevent, recognize and react to child abuse.

Learn the facts

The facts about child abuse can be staggering, but understanding the risks children face can help you better protect them.

  • An estimated 1 in 10 children are sexually abused before their 18th birthday
  • 60 percent are abused by people the family trusts
  • Nearly 40 percent are abused by older or larger children

Minimize opportunity

More than 80 percent of sexual abuse cases occur in isolated, one-on-one situations. If you eliminate opportunities for children to be in these situations with adults and older youth, you can dramatically reduce the risk of abuse.

Talk about it

Children often keep abuse a secret, but talking in age appropriate ways about our bodies, sex and boundaries can encourage children to share. This helps them understand what healthy relationships look like and that they have the right to say “no.”

Know the signs

Don’t expect obvious signs when a child is being abused. Signs are often there, but you have to know what you’re looking for – signs can be physical, emotional or behavioral. Click here to learn more about signs of abuse and neglect.

React responsibly

Be prepared to react calmly and responsibly if a child discloses abuse to you, or if you suspect or see that boundaries have been violated. This is the moment where a child can learn whether others can be trusted to stand up for them.

If you suspect a child has been abused or neglected, call:

1.800.652.1999 (CPS Hotline) or local law enforcement

1.800.362.2178 (DHS Hotline) or local law enforcement


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